Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper (INKP) – Pelayaran Utama Karyamaju Teken Transaksi Sewa Aset

Ilustrasi Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper. dok. – PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk. (INKP) dan PT Pelayaran Utama Karyamaju (PUK) menandatangani perjanjian sewa menyewa berupa Ruangan pada 20 September 2022. Obyek sewa berupa ruangan dengan ukuran 5M X 3M atau seluas 15 meter per segi milik INKP yang berlokasi di Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Merak Kota Cilegon, Banten.

Dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Rabu (21/9/2022), Direktur dan Corporate Secretary INKP, Heri Santoso menuturkan bahwa INKP menandatangani perjanjian sewa menyewa sebesar Rp18 juta per tahun atau Rp180 juta untuk jangka waktu 10 tahun dengan PUK. Perjanjian sewa tersebut dapat diperpanjang dengan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.

Dengan memperhatikan nilai ekuitas INKP per 30 Juni 2022 sebesar USD5.135,6 juta atau Rp76,25 triliun (dengan kurs BI per 30 Juni 2022 dimana 1US$ =Rp14,848) maka nilai transaksi ini hanya 0,00002% dari nilai ekuitas INKP.

Transaksi ini merupakan transaksi afiliasi sesuai regulasi OJK dalam POJK No.42/POJK.04/2020. INKP dan PUK memiliki persamaan pemegang saham pengendali yaitu Purinsua Ekapersada serta memiliki persamaan pada beberapa Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

“Pertimbangan dilakukannya transaksi ini untuk memperoleh manfaat, atau tambahan pendapatan dari sewa ruangan,” kata Heri Santoso. ***

Author: N A

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Tender Offer

A tender offer is a bid to purchase some or all of a corporation’s shareholders’ stock. Tender offers are typically made publicly and invite shareholders to sell their shares for a specified price within a particular time window.

Cash Dividend

The cash dividend is part of the Company’s profit distributed to shareholders in cash.

Stock Dividend

Stock dividend is the allocation of company profits in additional shares.

Stock Split

A stock split is when a company divides the existing shares of its stock into multiple new shares to boost the stock’s liquidity.

Capital Placement without Pre-emptive Right

Capital Placement without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) is the issuance of new shares through a private placement to selected investors.

Right Issue

Right issue or Preemptive Rights (HMETD) is the right for old shareholders to buy new stocks by the issuer.

Bonus Stock

Bonus Stocks are shares distributed free of charge to shareholders based on the number of shares owned.

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is a forum for shareholders to exercise their right to make certain decisions related to the Company, receive reports from the Board of Commissioners and Directors regarding their performance, and question the Board regarding actions.

Data Presentation

The report of shares activity on the secondary market is carried out comprehensively in the form of tables, graphs, and diagrams to facilitate the understanding.

Stock Registration Activity Report (Monthly)

Stock prices fluctuate because of the demand and supply of these shares. Therefore, we provide stock activity reports every month.

Stock Register

A stock register is a detailed record of the shares issued by a corporation and any repurchases and transfers between shareholders.